It may seem as if everything is falling apart, that you’ve lost your point of reference. You may have lost confidence in yourself and in your relationships with others. It might be due to grief, to unemployment, to a crisis in your couple, to aging, to health issues or to the suffering of someone you care about. The crisis that you are facing and that is impacting you and your relation to your environment, partner, family, and professional or social environment, needs to be taken care of. The fact is that you feel trapped and you cannot see a way out.
The potential causes are many, yet they are all specific and experienced in your own unique way. We will work together to see more clearly what makes the situation unbearable and to recover a sense of control over your circumstances. We will explore the different aspects of the situation and address those that are the most relevant to you and the context. Therapy will give you a safe space where you can try out different ways of dealing with the crisis, becoming aware of what are the underlying aspects of your situation that led to a state of chaos and disruption in your life. Being able to express yourself freely and step by step figure out what options are available to you to overcome the crisis. This will allow you to move on in your life.
We will explore together how to find your way out of your circumstances. You will be able to choose the options that best suit you here and now. As E. Gendlin said, “if something new can ever happen, then something new can probably happen now too.” By recovering your sense of empowerment, working with the tools that will help you to face the crisis, you will again feel grounded, confident, empowered. You will have the skills that you need to cope with this moment in your life that made you ask for support and guidance.
Feeling grounded, confident, empowered is about taking small and realistic steps to move forward.